
Ashley is a stained glass artist living and working in Philadelphia.  She was born and raised in rural Chester County, but for the past four years she lived in London.  Recently she returned with her husband to live in Philadelphia and pursue her art full-time as ABJ Glassworks.  Her work explores the relationship between color, three-dimensional form, and light.  She is also a contributor on HiP (Handmade in PA). And when she has the time she plays around with the ukulele and really likes exploring Philly and learning about new events!  

Erin is a former Learning & Technology specialist at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania where she worked to increase student satisfaction with the IT services.  She is currently working there part time and going to school full time for Music at CCP with the hopes of pursuing a Graduate degree in Music Therapy.  Writing is her most comfortable artistic medium, but she is also an amateur musician. Erin is always willing to share conversation, ideas, and laughter with people so feel free to contact her (ermurphy6 @ gmail . com)

Katie is an artist and nature lover at heart.  Working as a civil engineer during the day and attending Moore College of Art & Design for an MFA in Interior Design at night keeps her happily busy.  She loves all things creative including design, color, fashion, music, and writing.  Nature serves as both artistic inspiration and reprieve.  One of her goals is to design spaces that promote healing through nature, color, and light.

Carol is an Information Technology executive with her heart in the arts and the garden.  She has over 30 years of experience leading business transformation projects and global IT organizations which has thoroughly occupied the left side of her brain.  With the right side, she is a long-time Yoga practitioner, designs and grows gardens and creates fabric art.  Her goal is to transition to a new career in the arts with the enthusiastic support of her daughter.

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