Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Our first meeting was really productive and resulted in a lot of new ideas for the group!

There are two main ideas, which will be the backbone for the group:

1) We will have monthly meetings that will happen on a date when the majority of people can get together. Beforehand we will 'vote' on the topic of the meeting (see the new tab at the top of the screen). Majority vote will win the topic.

So you get the idea, some topics we came up with were: a one-off book read, an informal and informational yoga session, a wine tasting meeting, a meeting about planting an urban garden, a lesson on jam making and preserving, time management lesson, etc.

2) On our website we will have an events calendar about local happenings that we would like to go to.  Anyone can view this calendar or add events to it.  If there's an event you want to add to the calendar, post it on the website or email us at womeninphilly @ gmail.com.

Hopefully this way we can benefit from each other's knowledge and learn about cool things going on in and around Philly!  If there's an event that you want to attend you can also post on the website to see who else is going :)

For example, coming up this weekend is the Rivercity Festival in Penn Treaty Park, Fishtown, on Monday there's a free yoga class at juju organics, and then Friday has First Friday happenings in Philly and Wilmington (I'm going to the Wilmington First Friday with some friends!)

So check out the calendar and get voting on October's meeting topic!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

first meetup: september 25th

Looking forward to tonight's first brainstorming meeting!  We're meeting at 6pm at the Chapterhouse Cafe on 9th St in Philadelphia.  If you can't make this one, don't worry, we'll be posting about the meetup and let you know what ideas we have for next month's meeting...

I think we have some fun things in the works!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the Philly WI

Hello!  If this is your first time on the Philly WI blog please take a look around- especially click on the sidebar links so you can read about what the WI is and what I hope for the Philly version of the WI.

I am hoping that we can find a time this September to have our first get together.  It will probably be small at first but I hope it will grow as I know we all have great things to share with each other.  Feel free to let female friends or family members know about the group.  As I say, we are open to all young women and women young at heart!

If you are interested in getting together this month and/or joining the group comment on this post below or visit the facebook event page and comment, and we can hopefully find a time that works for everyone!

~ Ashley

P.S. I'll make anyone who wants to join Philly WI a contributor on the blog so we can also use it as a blog to post ideas, things we want to share with the group, or just a pretty photo :)