Friday, October 7, 2011

Immune Boosting Recipes

Last week my immune system was struggling. The combination of an unrelenting schedule and indecisive weather (Mother Nature - summer or fall? Please pick one!) left me battling the onset of a cold. My fatigue was at an all time high and I needed energy.

I turned to my Secrets of Self Healing Book by Maoshing Ni which bases its advice and remedies on eastern medicine. What I resonate with is preventing ailments before needing western medicine intervention. So I found two recipes in the Low Immune Function section that I was willing to try.

Some of the ingredients aren't mainstream (ahem..goji berries and seaweed I'm talking to you) but between Sue's Produce and Whole Foods, I was able to find everything.

In my experience, both the trail mix and the soup boosted my energy, stopped the runny nose, and cleared my congestion. I plan on making a few batches of the soup and freezing for the coming months so it's easily accessible when I feel a cold approaching. Or even for the days (or weeks) I'm feeling sluggish.

Immunity-Boosting Trail Mix

Combine dried blueberries, goji berries, Brazil nuts, and pine nuts.

I added about 4-8 oz of each ingredient however, the ratio is flexible so create your own balance. I kept the trail mix in the fridge to keep it away from the humidity and the leftover nuts in the freezer to keep them from going stale.

Please Note: Some people may experience a bitter taste in the mouth after consuming certain brands of pine nuts. You might want to do some research before selecting your brand.

Immune Soup

10 shiitake mushrooms (soaked first if using dried)

1/2 C seaweed (any kind)

1 head of cabbage

2 squash (any type)

2 carrots

10 slices of ginger

3 sprigs of oregano

1 onion

6 C chicken stock

Soak mushrooms if using dried. Slice the mushrooms, chop the cabbage, and dice the squash, carrots, and onion. Combine all ingredients in a deep stock pot and bring to a boil. Continue to boil uncovered for 30 minutes. Eat at least 1 large bowl every day.

Note: Try not to get caught up in the exact measurements and sizes (how long of a sprig of oregano?) but incorporate what you have.

1 comment:

  1. The trail mix sounds really good and simple to make, definitely going to try it out :)
